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African Diaspora for Good Governance Political Action Committee (ADGG PAC) brings together hundreds of Africans in Diaspora and engages them with American policy makers and legislators in both political parties for the purpose of building lasting relationships that fosters dialogue about political representation and participation of the African Diaspora.
We educate legislators, governments, and political candidates about important issues affecting African Diaspora community -- at the federal, state, and local jurisdictions. We also educate the African Diaspora community on the vital need to VOTE en-bloc and to speak with ONE VOICE on key priority issues, by combining financial contributions from individuals and directs same to support key federal, state, or local policymakers or election campaigns.
ADGG PAC is regulated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and State ethics committees around the USA. Therefore, the process of collecting your financial contributions, as well as our disbursements to political candidates, or support of legislative issues, is fully transparent.
Because ADGG PAC is bipartisan, we focus on "issues" and make contributions based on what is in the best interest of the African Diaspora community - not because of political party or individual interests.
You may donate or contribute to ADGG PAC through personal check or credit card. The law limits contributions by individuals to $5,000 annually, and the PAC is required to disclose the names and occupations of any contributor who gives more than $200 in a calendar year.
ADGG general membership dues are not used to fund or operate the PAC or its activities.
ADGG Political Action Committee is a 501(c)(4) organ of the African Diaspora for Good Governance. We consolidate donations and contributions from the African Diaspora and use the funds to identify candidates and policy makers for support, as well as to influence key legislation, to advance the mission of our organization with decision makers in both political parties, and incumbent administrations.
What Are Our Issues?
ADGG PAC issues list covers the following critical areas of importance to African Diaspora community. We are interested in members who can volunteer to help us pursue these interests. We are also open to working with coalitions, sponsors, and partners, as necessary:
Who Are the PAC Leaders?
ADGG is both gender and nationality diverse by design. We believe that in order to truly represent the interest of all African Diaspora, our leadership make-up must reflect a broad spectrum of the various countries that constitute the African Diaspora worldwide.
Money can do things that votes cannot ! Your campaign donation is worth more than you realize. Your donation to our campaign fund actually goes toward increasing voter turnout !!
Please help out - no amount is too small.
Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate Committee
copyright 2025
African Diaspora for Good Governance
501c3 Non-Profit
501c4 Political Advocacy Branch